Benefits of Cloud Application Development - SpringTimeSoftware

Cloud-based solutions are beginning to dominate the digital world. According to Cisco, by 2021, the cloud will host more than 94% of workloads and computing processes.

The sudden increase in the adoption of cloud-based technology has resulted in an increase in the demand for cloud application development, especially in the eCommerce and enterprise domains due to its advantages such as high capacity, scalability, security and significantly lower equipment cost.

In addition, the cloud-based software solution helps streamline digital operations and provides more flexibility than traditional web and desktop-based apps. So, why not migrate to cloud-based solutions?

Let us dig deeper and learn about other important aspects of cloud computing like benefits and types of cloud-based software solutions.

What is Cloud Application Development?

In theory, a cloud-based application uses cloud services to work (partially or fully). No matter whether you are using a web application or a mobile application, they both use the same kind of cloud services.

The application requires data and logic code to function properly. In the case of cloud-based applications, the logic code is stored on the cloud and the user can interact with the application using a web browser or mobile, and all the data processing part is done through API calls to the cloud.

Some of the most popular cloud-based applications: Canva, Google Drive, Dropbox, Salesforce, and many others.

Benefits of cloud applications

Cloud applications offer various benefits for business owners who want to use technology to solve a business problem. Here are some of the benefits of migrating to the cloud.

Maximum uptime: With more processing power and servers operating around the clock, cloud technology can provide maximum uptime for business applications.

Scalability: Cloud is the best solution for ever-evolving business needs. The processing power and storage of the server can be easily increased as per the requirement without switching the server.

Security: Security is one of the major reasons why the cloud is gaining so much popularity. Behind multiple layers of firewalls and advanced encryption algorithms, data stored on the cloud is completely secure.

Pay-as-you-go model: In cloud computing, the user has to pay only for the resources and services purchased, which means there are no wasted resources. Users can select CPU, operating system, memory, and additional software as per the requirement.

Deployment Model

Cloud computing services are divided into three basic deployment models. Let us discuss them one by one.

Public Cloud

This is usually what we mean when we talk about cloud computing. In a public cloud, the service provider allocates a space to host services and infrastructure.

The public cloud deployment model means that the services you consume are hosted on a third-party server and can be accessed over the Internet. These services are available for use by the public, so any organization or user can create an account and start using the services.

Private Cloud / On-Premise Cloud Computing

In the private cloud, an enterprise deploys its own infrastructure in its rented/purchased data center and backs it up with the necessary hardware and software. It can be accessed only by a client whether physically or virtually. Since the servers are stored in a private network, this model is more secure and stable than the public cloud.

Hybrid Cloud

As the name suggests, the hybrid cloud deployment model combines elements of private and public clouds. This model is used by large organizations, as a single deployment model may not be optimal for all workloads. In this model, public cloud services are used for non-sensitive tasks and on-premises cloud for sensitive processes.

Cloud Application Types

Based on the application architecture, the most popular classifications of cloud apps are as follows:

Software as a Service (SaaS)

SaaS is the most widespread type of cloud app. These applications run on remotely hosted third-party hardware. It allows users to connect to cloud-based apps over the Internet, usually with a web browser.

All underlying infrastructure, software, and applications are located in the data service provider's data center. The major advantage of using SaaS is that customers can quickly move their business to the cloud with a minimal upfront cost.

Example - Google Docs, Google Drive

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

IaaS is an accelerated way to provide managed computing infrastructure over the Internet. These types of services require application and middleware support on the client-side. The best part is that it can be scaled up and down as per demand, which means you only have to pay for what you use. This approach helps companies build custom products without having to buy and manage expensive servers.

Example - Google Cloud, Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

This type of cloud computing service provides a complete development and deployment environment along with the resources to allow customers to offer services ranging from a simple cloud-based app to a sophisticated enterprise-grade application.

PaaS is the go-to solution for achieving a complete web application development environment without spending on the infrastructure and software licenses required for cloud app development.

Examples - Google App Engine, AWS Elastic Beansack, Apache Stratos


Cloud application development has been a hot topic of discussion for many years because of the benefits that come with it.

Also, it is a bit more complex than traditional web-based application development, as it requires a more employed approach in application development, in-depth knowledge of data architecture and API integration.

The most important thing is to make sure that the cloud services you choose are designed to suit your needs. Here, SpringTimeSoftware, as your technology partner, can assist you with the best cloud app development services to help drive the growth of your business.


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