Cloud Apps vs Web Apps: Understanding the Benefits and Differences
In mobile app development , many people use a cloud app and a web app as if they were one and the same. This confusion is somewhat understandable because both types of apps are web-based - they both run on the web. But there is an important difference. Web apps depend on the browser to operate, while cloud-based apps do not. Here is a simple example . If you purchase a product from an e-commerce store, by using that store's app, you are using your browser and the store's in-house computer system. If you are purchasing a software download from a company that has its apps in the cloud, you will be connecting directly to the cloud server where that piece of software is stored, not from your browser or the company's computer system. Defining the Difference Between Cloud Apps Vs. web apps What is Cloud App? The "cloud" is a computer architecture that allows software and data to be stored and accessed over the web without using a company's hard drive system. A cloud...